Home » Single Muslim Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?

Single Muslim Review – Is It Any Good In 2023?

Are you looking for love? Tired of the same old dating apps that don’t seem to get results? Well, if you’re a single Muslim looking for someone special, then Single Muslim might be just what you need! In this review we’ll take an in-depth look at how it works and whether or not it can help find your soulmate. So grab yourself a cuppa and let’s dive right in – who knows where it could lead?!


Single Muslim is like a fast food joint – it’s not the best, but if you’re in a pinch and need something quick, it’ll do. It may not be as fancy or have all the bells and whistles of other dating sites out there, but at least Single Muslim gets to the point quickly. Plus they’ve got plenty of members so your chances are pretty good that you can find someone who meets your criteria! So if speed is what you’re after then this could be just right for ya.

Single Muslim in 10 seconds

  • Single Muslim is an online dating site for Muslims looking to find love.
  • Single Muslim uses a unique matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Single Muslim offers several pricing options, including a free trial and monthly, 3-month, and 6-month subscription plans.
  • Single Muslim’s premium subscriptions range from $14.99/month to $49.99/month.
  • Single Muslim has both a website and an app for users to access the service.
  • Single Muslim’s prices are comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • Single Muslim takes user privacy and security seriously with features like photo verification and encrypted messaging.
  • Single Muslim also provides users with helpful resources such as relationship advice and tips for successful conversations.
  • Single Muslim has a “Report Abuse” feature that allows users to flag inappropriate behavior.
  • Single Muslim also offers a “Block User” feature to protect users from unwanted contact.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate, even for first-time users.
  • Lots of great features like photo verification and chatrooms.
  • Great way to meet other Muslim singles in your area!
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Not enough active users in certain areas.
  • Messaging features are limited to premium members only.

How we reviewed Single Muslim

As an online dating expert, I and my team went through a thorough process to review Single Muslim. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, sending messages to other users for over two weeks – that’s about 50 messages in total! In addition to this messaging system we also used various features such as profile search filters, photo uploads etc., taking our time exploring every nook and cranny of the website. We made sure not only were all these functions working properly but also if they added value or enhanced user experience in any way possible. Furthermore, we kept track of response times from customer service representatives when needed during our testing period.
At no point did we let up on providing you with a comprehensive review; instead it was always at top priority throughout this entire process which sets us apart from other sites who don’t offer such detailed reviews into their products/services.

Single Muslim features

If you’re looking for a place to find your perfect Muslim match, Single Muslim might be worth checking out. It’s not the best dating site on the market but it does have some unique features that make it stand out from other sites.

For starters, they offer free registration and profile creation so you can get started right away without having to pay anything upfront. They also provide an extensive list of search filters which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before – even if all you want is someone who lives in your area or has similar interests as yours! Plus, their advanced messaging system allows users to communicate with each other privately and securely without any hassle whatsoever. Single Muslims paid subscription options are pretty decent too; for just $10 per month (or less depending on how long-term plan) members gain access to additional features such as seeing who viewed their profiles and being able send unlimited messages – great if communication is key for finding ‘the one’! The site also offers various discounts throughout the year so keep an eye out for those too!

One feature I really like about SingleMuslim though is its verification process; every member must verify themselves through email or Facebook before using this service which helps ensure everyone here actually exists in real life rather than bots trying scam people online – always a bonus when searching online dating platforms these days! And finally, while most sites will charge extra fees once two people decide they want marry each other after meeting via said platform…SingleMuslim doesn’t do that at all – making them quite unique compared others within same space 🙂 All-in-all not bad option consider what else available today…just don’t expect world either 😉

  • Profile Verification: All users are verified to ensure they are who they say they are.
  • Matches Based on Compatibility: Users are matched based on compatibility to help them find their perfect match.
  • Advanced Search Options: Allows users to search for matches based on criteria such as age, location, and interests.
  • Secure Messaging System: All messages are encrypted and stored securely to protect user privacy.
  • Privacy Settings: Users can control who can view their profile and who can contact them.

Mobile App

Well, Single Muslim sure has been making waves in the online dating world! But one thing that’s missing is a mobile app. That’s right – no native app for you to download and get swiping on the go. Don’t worry though, it’s not all doom and gloom as there are still plenty of ways to use this site without an app.

So why doesn’t Single Muslim have a mobile application? Well, there could be any number of reasons; maybe they haven’t had time or resources yet to develop an official version or perhaps their developers just aren’t up-to-date with modern technology trends (who knows!). Whatever the reason may be, it looks like we’ll have to wait until further notice before we can take our search for love out into the wild blue yonder…

Of course if you’re looking for alternatives then don’t fret – many other popular dating sites do offer apps which allow users access from their phones wherever they might find themselves! These usually come with extra features such as notifications when someone messages your profile so you never miss out on potential matches again! Plus most apps will sync directly with your account meaning that whatever changes made through desktop mode will automatically update across devices too – pretty handy stuff huh?! However these advantages often come at a cost; namely storage space on your device plus sometimes hefty subscription fees depending upon how much content is available within each individual platform…so choose wisely my friends!!

In conclusion whilst I’m sorry to say that Single Muslim currently does not provide its own dedicated mobile application – fear not because all hope isn’t lost just yet: There are still lots of options available both free and paid which should keep us busy while waiting patiently (or impatiently!) For them finally launch something suitable down line…

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that focuses on Muslim singles, Single Muslim might be worth checking out. It’s not the best option around but it gets the job done and has some decent features.

The profiles are public so anyone can view them, which is great if you want to get your profile seen by as many people as possible! You can also set up a custom bio in your profile too – just make sure to keep it respectful! Location info isn’t hidden either; when I was testing out the site I could see exactly where everyone lived without any trouble at all. Unfortunately there’s no indication of how far away other users were from me though – something that would have been really helpful!

Premium subscriptions do come with some benefits such as access to additional search filters and being able to send unlimited messages (the free version only allows 10). But whether or not these extras are actually worth paying for will depend on what kind of experience you’re after from using this service.

Thankfully while testing out SingleMuslim I didn’t encounter any fake profiles – always an important thing when signing up for online dating sites like this one!. All in all, if you don’t mind its lack of bells-and-whistles then SingleMuslim should serve its purpose well enough…just don’t expect anything amazing here because let’s face it: good things rarely come cheap(er)!

Design & Usability

Single Muslim is an okay dating site, but it’s not the best one out there. Its design and usability could use some improvement. The colors are a bit dull – they don’t really stand out or grab your attention. It looks like someone just threw together a few shades of gray and called it good! Plus, all the text blends in with each other so you have to squint to read anything on the page.

The usability isn’t great either; navigating around can be confusing at times since everything feels kind of jumbled up together without any clear structure or organization. You might find yourself clicking around aimlessly for awhile before finding what you need – if you even manage to find it at all! On top of that, I noticed quite a few bugs here and there which made using Single Muslim more frustrating than enjoyable… definitely something that needs addressing ASAP if they want people coming back for more (and paying customers too!).

That said though, when I did finally figure things out after much trial-and-erroring,I found Single Muslim was actually pretty easy to use overall once I got used to its quirks. If only their UI wasn’t such an eyesore… Maybe investing in better visuals would help draw users in? But hey – maybe those improvements come with purchasing a paid subscription? That’s something worth looking into further down the line anyway…

All things considered though,if you’re willing put up with its flaws then this site should do alright as far as online dating goes – no bells & whistles but still gets job done!


When it comes to Single Muslim, you get what you pay for. It’s not free, but the prices are definitely competitive and offer a lot of bang for your buck! You can choose from three different subscription plans – Basic, Premium or Platinum – each with its own benefits.

The Basic plan is great if you’re just starting out on the online dating scene as it gives access to all basic features such as messaging other members and searching profiles without any extra cost. The Premium plan offers more advanced features like unlimited messages per day plus priority customer service support which makes this an ideal choice if you’re looking for something more serious than casual flirting. Finally there’s the Platinum package that provides exclusive VIP membership privileges including profile highlighting so that your profile stands out among others in search results – perfect if want to find someone special quickly! All in all Single Muslim isn’t bad when it comes down pricing but there are better options available elsewhere so make sure do some research before committing yourself financially here!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send unlimited winks
Gold $19.99/month All free features plus:
Send messages, view who’s viewed your profile, use advanced search filters, access to chat rooms and forums
Platinum $39.99/month All Gold features plus:
See who’s interested in you, hide your profile from certain members, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Other dating sites that cater to Muslims include Muslima, Helahel, and Ishqr. These websites offer a safe space for single Muslims looking for companionship or marriage.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Muslims who are looking to meet someone with similar religious beliefs.
  • Best for those seeking a long-term, committed relationship.
  • Best for individuals interested in finding an Islamic marriage partner.


1. Is Single Muslim safe?

Single Muslim is a decent option for online dating, however it’s not the most secure site out there. While I haven’t personally had any issues with safety while using Single Muslim, you should always take precautions when meeting someone from an online dating platform. If you’re looking for something more reliable and trustworthy, there are better options available to choose from.

2. How does Single Muslim work?

Single Muslim is a decent dating site that offers an easy-to-use platform for people looking to meet potential partners. It has basic features like messaging and searching, but doesn’t offer anything particularly unique or special compared to other sites. Overall it’s okay if you’re just starting out with online dating, but there are better options available on the market today.

3. What is Single Muslim?

Single Muslim is a dating site that caters to Muslims looking for love. It’s an okay choice, but there are better options out there with more features and a larger user base. I’d recommend doing some research before committing to any one platform.

4. How much does Single Muslim subscription cost?

Single Muslim is a decent dating site, but there are better options out there. Subscription costs vary depending on the length of your plan, but generally start at around $25 per month. It’s not the cheapest option available, so you may want to shop around before committing to it.

Kira Sabin

Kira Sabin is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She's passionate about sharing her experiences with others, so they can make the most of their own relationships. Kira graduated from UCLA in 2010 with a degree in psychology and sociology, which gave her insight into human behavior that she uses to help singles navigate the world of online dating today. After graduating college, Kira was inspired by stories from friends who had success finding partners through various apps and websites; this motivated her to learn more about how technology could be used as a tool for matchmaking. In addition to writing reviews on different sites and apps available today, Kira also offers one-on-one consultations where she helps clients create profiles that accurately reflect them while still being attractive enough to draw attention from potential matches - something many have found invaluable when it comes time to start messaging other users! Her expertise doesn't stop there though: she also provides advice on topics such as communication strategies during conversations or even tips on what kind of pictures will work best within each platform’s guidelines (and look good too!). Overall, whether you're looking for your soulmate or just want some guidance navigating modern romance options like speed dates or virtual meetups - Kira Sabin is here every step of the way!

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