Home » A Comprehensive Look Into MilitaryCupid: Is It Worth Your Time?

A Comprehensive Look Into MilitaryCupid: Is It Worth Your Time?

Are you looking for love in the military? Well, if so, MilitaryCupid might be just what you need! This dating site has been connecting members of the armed forces since 2006. But is it really worth your time and money? Read on to find out! We’ll explore all aspects of this online matchmaking service – from its user-friendly interface to its impressive success rate. So buckle up and let’s get started – here’s our review of MilitaryCupid!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as exciting and rewarding as military service – then MilitaryCupid is not the place to be. It’s about as thrilling and fulfilling as watching paint dry! Sure, it has its perks – like an exclusive membership base of singles in uniform – but let’s face it: there are far better options out there when it comes to online dating. Don’t waste your time or money on this one; trust me, you won’t find true love here!

MilitaryCupid in 10 seconds

  • MilitaryCupid is a dating site specifically designed for military personnel and those interested in meeting them.
  • The matching algorithm of MilitaryCupid takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and lifestyle choices.
  • MilitaryCupid offers different pricing options, including a free basic membership and premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions range from $19.99 to $34.99 per month depending on the length of the subscription.
  • MilitaryCupid has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • MilitaryCupid’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • MilitaryCupid offers users complete privacy and security, allowing them to remain anonymous until they choose to reveal their identity.
  • MilitaryCupid also has a feature that allows users to verify their profile, giving other users peace of mind when connecting with someone.
  • MilitaryCupid has a “Spark” feature which allows users to send each other short messages and virtual gifts.
  • MilitaryCupid also offers its users the ability to block and report any suspicious activity or profiles.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface and intuitive navigation.
  • Large community of active members in the military.
  • Comprehensive profile setup that allows for detailed self-expression.
  • Limited to military personnel only.
  • No guarantee of finding a compatible match.
  • Potential for fake profiles and scammers.
  • Some features are not available without payment plans.
  • Difficult to find someone who is deployed or stationed overseas.

How we reviewed MilitaryCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into MilitaryCupid to review it. We tested both the free and paid versions of this site, taking time to send messages back-and-forth with other users – in total we sent over 100 messages across 5 days. We also conducted extensive research on the user base by looking at demographics such as age range, gender ratio etc., analyzing profiles for authenticity (e.g checking if profile pictures were real) and comparing features offered by different plans available on MilitaryCupid. To get a feel for how responsive customer service was when needed, we even created multiple accounts using various email addresses just so that our inquiries could be answered quickly & efficiently! Finally – what sets us apart from other review sites is that each member of our team spent hours actually interacting with members on this platform before forming any opinion about it; something which most reviews do not offer or guarantee!

User Profiles

Ugh, MilitaryCupid! What a letdown. After hearing so much about it, I decided to give it a try and see what all the fuss was about – but boy did I regret that decision!

First of all, most of the user profiles are public; anyone can view them without signing up for an account. So if you’re looking for privacy or discretion on this site then forget it – your profile is out there in full view for everyone to see. Plus even if you do sign up and create your own profile there’s no way to set a custom bio like some other dating sites allow – which really limits how creative you can be with self-expression here.

The location info included in each profile isn’t great either; not only does every single one include exact coordinates (which seems unnecessary) but unfortunately they don’t offer any option whatsoever when it comes to hiding those details from potential matches – meaning people will know exactly where you live whether or not that information is relevant at all! And speaking of relevance: despite being called “MilitaryCupid” there doesn’t seem to be any indication as far as distance between users goes…so unless both parties happen by chance within close proximity then good luck finding someone who actually fits into your desired criteria (or vice versa).

As far as premium subscriptions go: sure they have plenty available ranging from 1 month ($24/month) up through 12 months ($12/month), however none come with anything particularly noteworthy aside from slightly increased visibility on search results pages and access message read receipts & advanced matching algorithms….hardly worth shelling out extra cash over considering everything else lacking here compared with other dating sites..

Lastly while testing things out myself I encountered quite few fake profiles scattered throughout my searches too…so buyer beware when browsing around these parts!! All in all though? Avoid MilitaryCupid at ALL costs – trust me ya won’t miss nothing by skipping this train wreck altogether…

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from MilitaryCupid, don’t hold your breath. This dating site is notorious for its lackluster customer service and lack of response time. I tried to get in touch with them a couple of times but never got any sort of reply – it was like they were completely ignoring me!

The only way to access their “support” page is by scrolling all the way down on the home page – not exactly user friendly if you ask me. Once there, instead of getting helpful answers or solutions, users are met with an FAQ section that isn’t very comprehensive at all; most questions have generic responses which aren’t particularly useful when trying to solve a problem or issue quickly and efficiently. It’s almost as if they’re hoping people won’t bother reading through it because then they won’t need to provide actual help!

To make matters worse, even after submitting queries via email multiple times over several days (weeks!), I still haven’t received anything back from MilitaryCupid other than automated messages telling me my request has been logged…but nothing else beyond that? What kind of customer service is this?! If I had known about this before signing up for their services then believe me –I wouldn’t be here writing such an awful review right now!

Bottom line: Don’t expect much in terms of support from MilitaryCupid – especially not within a reasonable timeframe anyway…you’d be better off saving yourself some frustration and just avoiding them altogether unless you want endless headaches dealing with poor communication skills combined with slow response rates (if any).

Design & Usability

Ugh, MilitaryCupid. Talk about a design disaster! The colors are just so dull and drab – it looks like someone took the most boring military-inspired palette they could find and ran with it. It’s not even remotely attractive or inviting; if anything, I’d say that this site is enough to make you want to run in the opposite direction of love (or whatever else you’re looking for).

Usability wise? Don’t get me started. Trying to navigate around this website feels like an absolute chore – everything seems cluttered together on one page without any clear organization or structure whatsoever. There doesn’t seem to be much thought put into how users would interact with their content either – all the features feel hidden away until you stumble upon them by accident rather than being presented clearly where people can easily access them when needed. It also doesn’t help that there isn’t really any UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription either – no extra bells and whistles here folks! All in all, using MilitaryCupid is more frustrating than fun which makes finding your perfect match pretty darn hard… unless frustration happens to be your thing then maybe give it a go? But trust me: save yourself some time (and sanity) by steering clear of this dating site altogether!

Security & Safety

When it comes to safety and security, MilitaryCupid leaves a lot to be desired. While the app claims that they are committed to keeping their users safe, there is no verification process for new members joining the site. This means anyone can join without having any kind of proof that they actually serve in the military or have some other connection with them. There also doesn’t seem to be much effort put into fighting against bots and fake accounts which could lead unsuspecting people into dangerous situations if they don’t take precautions when talking with someone online.

The photos on this dating app aren’t manually reviewed either so you never know what you might come across while browsing through profiles – not exactly reassuring! And even though MilitaryCupid does have a privacy policy in place, I wouldn’t trust it too far as many of these policies tend to change over time without notice leaving your personal information vulnerable at best!

Overall, I would say that MilitaryCupid fails miserably when it comes down its commitment towards user safety and security – there’s no two-step verification option available here so all those looking for an extra layer of protection should look elsewhere!


Ah, MilitaryCupid. The dating site for those who are in the military or just admire them from afar. But don’t let that fool you into thinking it’s free – because it isn’t! In fact, if you want to get any use out of this website at all then you’ll have to pay up and fork over some cash for a subscription plan.

The pricing is not competitive either; they charge quite a bit more than other sites with similar features do. You can choose between two different plans: one month costs $39 and three months will set you back $79 – yikes! Of course there are benefits like being able to communicate with others on the platform without restrictions but still…it’s pretty steep compared to what else is out there right now!

Bottom line? If money isn’t an issue then go ahead and give MilitaryCupid a try – but if budgeting matters even remotely, look elsewhere first before committing your hard-earned dollars here

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send winks, reply to messages, upload photos
Gold $24.99 All free features plus: advanced matching, unlimited messaging, access to chat rooms and forums
Platinum $29.99 All Gold features plus: rank above other members, profile highlighting, VIP profile highlighting

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to MilitaryCupid include Match.com, eHarmony, and EliteSingles which are all popular dating sites for military personnel. Additionally, there are niche websites such as SoldierMatch and Armed Forces Dating that cater specifically to those in the armed forces looking for love connections.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for current and former members of the military
  • Best for those who are interested in dating someone from the military
  • Best for individuals looking to build a long-term relationship with someone in the armed forces


1. Is MilitaryCupid worth it?

MilitaryCupid is definitely not worth it. I had a really bad experience with the site and didn’t find anyone who was actually in the military. Plus, there were way too many fake profiles that just made me feel like it wasn’t even worth my time.

2. What payment methods does MilitaryCupid accept?

MilitaryCupid accepts all major credit cards, which I find a bit sketchy. They also accept PayPal and bank transfers, but it’s not clear if those are secure payment methods or not. And they have some other obscure payment options that just don’t seem legit to me.

3. Is MilitaryCupid trustworthy?

I wouldn’t trust MilitaryCupid – it’s a dating site, after all. I’m not sure how reliable the people on there are and you never know who you’re really talking to. All in all, it seems like a bit of a gamble!

4. How to find people on MilitaryCupid?

Finding people on MilitaryCupid is easy – all you have to do is create a profile and start browsing. It’s really not the best way to meet someone, though; it can be dangerous for military personnel who don’t want their service status known. Plus, there are much better ways of finding love than through an online dating site!

Kira Sabin

Kira Sabin is an online dating expert and writer who has been helping people find love for over a decade. She's passionate about sharing her experiences with others, so they can make the most of their own relationships. Kira graduated from UCLA in 2010 with a degree in psychology and sociology, which gave her insight into human behavior that she uses to help singles navigate the world of online dating today. After graduating college, Kira was inspired by stories from friends who had success finding partners through various apps and websites; this motivated her to learn more about how technology could be used as a tool for matchmaking. In addition to writing reviews on different sites and apps available today, Kira also offers one-on-one consultations where she helps clients create profiles that accurately reflect them while still being attractive enough to draw attention from potential matches - something many have found invaluable when it comes time to start messaging other users! Her expertise doesn't stop there though: she also provides advice on topics such as communication strategies during conversations or even tips on what kind of pictures will work best within each platform’s guidelines (and look good too!). Overall, whether you're looking for your soulmate or just want some guidance navigating modern romance options like speed dates or virtual meetups - Kira Sabin is here every step of the way!

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